Choose the odd one out in modelling

Hand building

Hand building

The odd one out in modeling would be "Curving." Hand building refers to the technique of constructing a three-dimensional object by hand using clay or other pliable materials. Curving, on the other hand, does not relate specifically to the process of modeling and could refer to a variety of different activities or concepts.

To determine the odd one out in the given options, we need to compare the characteristics or features of each term.

Hand building: Hand building is a technique in which pottery or clay objects are formed using the hands and simple tools. It often involves shaping and molding the clay manually to create the desired form.

Curving: Curving, as a term related to modeling, is not as commonly used or directly associated with a specific modeling technique. However, it could refer to the act of creating curved or rounded shapes or lines in a model, which can be done through various techniques such as sculpting, molding, or even using computer software for 3D modeling.

To determine the odd one out, we need to identify the term that doesn't fit within the common modeling techniques or doesn't follow the same logic as the others. In this case, both hand building and curving can be considered valid modeling techniques or actions related to creating shapes.

Therefore, based on the given options, there is no clear odd one out between hand building and curving.