Kepler’s Second Law states that which must be same in the same amount of time no matter what point an orbiting object is during its orbit, it must always have the same:

The same area must be covered in the same amount of time, regardless of the position of the orbiting object during its orbit.

Kepler’s Second Law states that the area swept out by an orbiting object in a given amount of time must always be the same, regardless of the object's position in its orbit.

Kepler's Second Law, also known as the Law of Equal Areas, states that the area swept out by a line connecting an orbiting object to the center of its orbit is the same in equal amounts of time, regardless of where the object is in its orbit.

In other words, it means that as an object moves around its elliptical orbit, it moves faster when it is closer to the central body (the focus of the ellipse). This increase in speed compensates for the larger distance covered by the object, resulting in the equal areas.

To understand why this happens, you can imagine dividing the object's orbital path into small segments. Each segment corresponds to a small amount of time. Due to the elongated shape of the elliptical orbit, the object covers a larger distance when it is farther away from the central body. Therefore, to ensure equal areas are swept out in equal time intervals, the object must move faster when it is farther from the central body.

So, to answer your question, Kepler's Second Law states that the area swept out by an orbiting object in the same amount of time, no matter what point it is in its orbit, must always be the same.