Use the conversion ratio 1 liter equals 1,000 milliliters. A cylinder holds 6,750 milliliters. How many liters does it hold?

To convert milliliters to liters, divide the number of milliliters by the conversion ratio:

6,750 milliliters / 1,000 milliliters/liter = 6.75 liters

Therefore, the cylinder holds 6.75 liters.

To convert milliliters to liters, divide the volume in milliliters by the conversion ratio.

Given that the cylinder holds 6,750 milliliters, we can calculate the volume in liters by dividing 6,750 by 1,000:

6,750 milliliters รท 1,000 = 6.75 liters

Therefore, the cylinder holds 6.75 liters.

To find out how many liters a cylinder holds, we can use the conversion ratio between liters and milliliters.

Given that 1 liter is equal to 1,000 milliliters, we can set up a proportion to solve the problem.

Let "x" be the number of liters the cylinder holds.

We can write the proportion as:

1 liter / 1,000 milliliters = x liters / 6,750 milliliters

To solve for "x," we can cross-multiply and then divide:

1 * 6,750 = x * 1,000

6,750 = 1,000x

Dividing both sides by 1,000:

6.75 = x

Therefore, the cylinder holds 6.75 liters.