What should summarizes always include?

A good summary should include the main points or ideas of the original source material. It should be concise, clear, and objective. A summary should also accurately represent the author's main argument or purpose, without including personal opinions or bias.

Summaries should always include the main points or key ideas of a text, report, article, or any other piece of writing. They should be concise and provide a brief overview of the content. Here are the key things that summaries should include:

1. Main Points: Identify the main ideas or arguments presented in the original text.
2. Key Supporting Details: Include important supporting information that helps explain or reinforce the main points.
3. Conciseness: Summaries should be concise and to the point, avoiding unnecessary details or examples.
4. Objectivity: Maintain an objective tone in your summary, presenting the information without personal opinions or bias.
5. Clarity: Ensure that the summary is clear and understandable, using your own words to explain the main points.
6. Relevance: Focus on the most important aspects of the original text, omitting any irrelevant or minor details.

By including these elements, your summary will effectively capture the essence of the original content while being concise and easy to understand.

Summaries should always include the most important points or information from the original text. When creating a summary, you should follow these steps:

1. Read the entire text carefully: Before attempting to write a summary, make sure you understand the main ideas and key details of the original text.

2. Identify the main points: Determine the most significant ideas or arguments presented in the text. These key points should convey the author's main message or purpose.

3. Exclude unnecessary details: Leave out any minor or irrelevant details. Focus on the essential information that supports the main points.

4. Use your own words: Express the main ideas in your own words rather than copying from the original text. This demonstrates your understanding and helps to avoid plagiarism.

5. Be concise: Summaries should be significantly shorter than the original text. Strive to capture the essence of the content using clear and concise language.

6. Maintain the logical flow: Arrange the main points in a well-organized manner that reflects the structure of the original text. This helps to ensure coherence and clarity.

7. Avoid personal opinions: Summaries should be objective and factual, so refrain from including personal opinions or interpretations.

By following these steps, you can create a comprehensive summary that effectively captures the key elements of the original text.