Which statement connects how innovations in science and technology contributed to changes in social and cultural life in the early twentieth century?

A airplanes allowed celebrities to grow in influence because they could travel the world
B cars led to the growth of materialism as people came to rely on them more
C card spread ideas as people were able to travel farther with less effort
D airplanes allowed goods to be shipped quicker and cheaper, growing materialism

D airplanes allowed goods to be shipped quicker and cheaper, growing materialism

The correct answer is:

D. Airplanes allowed goods to be shipped quicker and cheaper, growing materialism.

The correct statement that connects innovations in science and technology to changes in social and cultural life in the early twentieth century is option D: airplanes allowed goods to be shipped quicker and cheaper, growing materialism.

To arrive at this answer, we need to understand the impact of airplanes on society and culture during that time period.

In the early twentieth century, airplanes revolutionized transportation by allowing people and goods to be transported faster and over longer distances. This had several significant effects on social and cultural life.

Firstly, the ability to ship goods quicker and cheaper via airplanes resulted in the growth of materialism. With goods being transported more efficiently, it became easier for people to access a wider range of products. This led to an increase in consumerism and the desire for material possessions.

Secondly, the improved transportation capabilities of airplanes facilitated the spread of ideas. As people were able to travel farther and more easily, they were exposed to different cultures, ideas, and perspectives. This led to an exchange of knowledge and influenced the social and cultural landscape of the time.

Option A, which states that airplanes allowed celebrities to grow in influence because they could travel the world, is not directly connected to the changes in social and cultural life caused by innovations in science and technology. While it is true that airplanes allowed for easier global travel, it does not directly address the impact on social and cultural changes.

Option B, which suggests that cars led to the growth of materialism as people came to rely on them more, is not correct for this question as it specifically asks about innovations in science and technology in the early twentieth century. While cars were certainly a significant invention during that time period, the question specifically focuses on airplanes.

Option C, which argues that cars spread ideas as people were able to travel farther with less effort, is not the best answer because it does not directly connect to the innovations in science and technology mentioned in the question. Additionally, the transportation of goods, as mentioned in option D, had a more significant impact on materialism compared to the spread of ideas.

Therefore, the correct answer is option D: airplanes allowed goods to be shipped quicker and cheaper, growing materialism.