How would getting wedding pictures taken today differ from getting them taken in the mid-1800s? (1 point) Responses In the 1800s no one was able to get wedding pictures taken. In the 1800s no one was able to get wedding pictures taken. Today professional photographers take wedding photographs. Today professional photographers take wedding photographs. Today couples have many pictures taken and choose favorites. Today couples have many pictures taken and choose favorites. In the 1800s photography was only for when people died, not weddings.

In the mid-1800s, getting wedding pictures taken would differ from today in the following ways:

1. Availability: In the mid-1800s, photography was still a relatively new and expensive technology. It was not as readily available as it is today. Only a few affluent individuals could afford to have their wedding pictures taken.

2. Time-consuming process: Photography in the mid-1800s involved the use of bulky and complicated equipment, including large cameras and wet plate collodion process. Taking a single photograph required a significant amount of time and effort. This contrasted with today's digital cameras that allow for quick and efficient photography.

3. Lack of color: The mid-1800s marked the era of black and white photography. So, the wedding pictures taken during this time would predominantly be in black and white, lacking the vibrant colors that can be seen in modern-day wedding photographs.

4. Limited poses: Due to the long exposure times required for mid-1800s photography, subjects had to remain still for several seconds or minutes. This limitation meant that wedding couples would generally pose in formal and rigid positions, without much room for creative or spontaneous shots.

5. Editing and retouching: In the mid-1800s, editing and retouching options were very limited. Photographers had to rely on techniques such as hand coloring or painting to enhance certain details in the images. In contrast, modern wedding photographs go through extensive digital editing processes, allowing for a wide range of creative adjustments and enhancements.

thers only 1 answer

I apologize for the confusion. The correct answer is:

In the mid-1800s, getting wedding pictures taken would differ from today in the following ways:

1. Availability: In the 1800s, photography was still a relatively new and expensive technology. It was not as readily available as it is today, and only a few wealthy individuals could afford to have their wedding pictures taken.

2. Process: In the 1800s, photography involved the use of large cameras and complex processes, such as daguerreotypes or wet plate collodion. These methods required longer exposure times and specialized equipment, making the process more time-consuming and labor-intensive compared to today's digital cameras.

3. Poses and expressions: Due to the long exposure times required, wedding couples in the 1800s had to remain still for several minutes. This meant that their poses and expressions might appear more formal and posed, as it was difficult to capture spontaneous or relaxed moments.

4. Limited quantity: In the 1800s, the cost and time required for each photograph meant that wedding couples would typically have only a few pictures taken. They would choose a small number of favorites to keep as cherished memories.

5. Lack of color: Photography in the mid-1800s was predominantly in black and white. The vibrant colors seen in modern wedding photographs were not possible during this time period.

just pick one of the respones given

Today couples have many pictures taken and choose favorites.

Which BEST describes the limitation of the first daguerreotype? (1 point) Responses It was used for portraits only. It was used for portraits only. It required a very long exposure. It required a very long exposure. It could only capture still images on film. It could only capture still images on film. It would fade quickly when exposed to light.

It required a very long exposure.