Translate this phrase into an algebraic expression.

58 decreased by twice Vidya's height
Use the variable v to represent Vidya's height.

58 - 2v

Translate this phrase into an algebraic expression.

22 more than twice Vanessa's height
Use the variable v to represent Vanessa's height.

2v + 22

Translate this phrase into an algebraic expression.

Four more than the product of 13 and a number
Use the variable n to represent the unknown number.

13n + 4

To translate the phrase "58 decreased by twice Vidya's height" into an algebraic expression using the variable v, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Define the variable.
Let v represent Vidya's height.

Step 2: Express the phrase.
The phrase "58 decreased by twice Vidya's height" can be written as:

58 - 2v

So, the algebraic expression is 58 - 2v.

To translate the given phrase into an algebraic expression, we need to break it down into smaller parts.

First, let's identify the different components of the phrase:
- "58" - This is a numerical value.
- "decreased by" - This implies subtraction.
- "twice Vidya's height" - This means multiplying Vidya's height by 2.

Now, let's translate each component into algebraic expressions using the variable v to represent Vidya's height:

"58" is simply 58.

"decreased by" indicates subtraction, so we subtract the next component from the previous one.

"twice Vidya's height" means 2v (twice the variable v).

Putting it all together, the algebraic expression becomes:
58 - 2v