Which statement best describes the motion of the ball? (1 point) Responses The speed of the ball is increasing. The speed of the ball is increasing. The speed of the ball is decreasing. The speed of the ball is decreasing. The motion of the ball is constant. The motion of the ball is constant. The motion of the ball is stopping.

The speed of the ball is decreasing.

Which statement best describes the motion of the ball? (1 point) Responses The speed of the ball is increasing. The speed of the ball is increasing. The speed of the ball is decreasing. The speed of the ball is decreasing. The motion of the ball is constant. The motion of the ball is constant. The motion of the ball is stopping.

The motion of the ball is stopping.

Hey bot

The graph shows the motion of a horse during the first portion of a race. Which statement is true about the horse's motion? (1 point) Responses The horse maintained a constant acceleration during this portion of the race. The horse maintained a constant acceleration during this portion of the race. The horse increased its acceleration during this portion of the race. The horse increased its acceleration during this portion of the race. The horse maintained a constant velocity during this portion of the race. The horse maintained a constant velocity during this portion of the race. The horse decreased its velocity during this portion of the race.

Based on the given options, the statement "The horse maintained a constant velocity during this portion of the race" would be true about the horse's motion.

Based on the given options, it seems there are only four statements.

1. "The speed of the ball is increasing."
2. "The speed of the ball is decreasing."
3. "The motion of the ball is constant."
4. "The motion of the ball is stopping."

Since there are duplicate statements, it is difficult to determine the best description of the ball's motion. Could you please provide more information or clarify the options?

To determine the best statement that describes the motion of the ball, we need to look for consistent information among the options. Let's analyze each option:

1. "The speed of the ball is increasing."
2. "The speed of the ball is decreasing."
3. "The motion of the ball is constant."
4. "The motion of the ball is stopping."

From the given options, we can see that options 1 and 2 are repeated twice, suggesting that these options have a higher chance of being correct. On the other hand, options 3 and 4 are only mentioned once each.

By comparing options 1 and 2, we can conclude that the speed of the ball is both increasing and decreasing according to the given options. However, it is not possible for the speed to increase and decrease simultaneously.

Therefore, option 3, stating that "the motion of the ball is constant," seems to be the best statement that describes the motion of the ball.

Remember, when determining the correct answer or statement, it is essential to consider consistent information and apply logical reasoning to the given choices.