Which of the following pairs of triangles could you use to justify that the SAS Congruence Theorem is true?(1 point)


An illustration shows two triangles side by side. The two triangles are labeled E F G and H I J. Side F G is congruent to side I J. Side E F is congruent to side H I.
Image with alt text: An illustration shows two triangles side by side. The two triangles are labeled E F G and H I J. Side F G is congruent to side I J. Side E F is congruent to side H I.

An illustration shows two triangles side by side. The two triangles are labeled E F G and H I J. Side F G is congruent to side I J. Side E F is congruent to side H I. Angle E is congruent to angle H.
Image with alt text: An illustration shows two triangles side by side. The two triangles are labeled E F G and H I J. Side F G is congruent to side I J. Side E F is congruent to side H I. Angle E is congruent to angle H.

An illustration shows two triangles side by side. The two triangles are labeled E F G and H I J. Side E G is congruent to side H J. Side E F is congruent to side H I. Angle E is congruent to angle H.
Image with alt text: An illustration shows two triangles side by side. The two triangles are labeled E F G and H I J. Side E G is congruent to side H J. Side E F is congruent to side H I. Angle E is congruent to angle H.

An illustration shows two triangles side by side. The two triangles are labeled E F G and H I J. Side E F is congruent to side H I. Angle F is congruent to angle I. Angle E is congruent to angle H.

The correct pair of triangles to justify the SAS Congruence Theorem is:

An illustration shows two triangles side by side. The two triangles are labeled E F G and H I J. Side E F is congruent to side H I. Angle F is congruent to angle I. Angle E is congruent to angle H.

The pair of triangles that could be used to justify that the SAS Congruence Theorem is true is the one described in the last option:

An illustration shows two triangles side by side. The two triangles are labeled E F G and H I J. Side E F is congruent to side H I. Angle F is congruent to angle I. Angle E is congruent to angle H.

To justify that the SAS Congruence Theorem is true, we need to find a pair of triangles that satisfy the condition of having two pairs of corresponding sides congruent and the included angle congruent.

Looking at the given options, the pair of triangles that can be used to justify the SAS Congruence Theorem is the one described as follows:

An illustration shows two triangles side by side. The two triangles are labeled EFG and HIJ. Side FG is congruent to side IJ. Side EF is congruent to side HI. Angle E is congruent to angle H.

In this pair of triangles, we have two pairs of corresponding sides congruent (FG ≅ IJ and EF ≅ HI), and the included angle E is congruent to angle H. This satisfies the condition required by the SAS Congruence Theorem.

Therefore, the pair of triangles described in the third option is the one that can be used to justify the SAS Congruence Theorem.