Which sentence contains a plural collective noun ?

A. The visiting team were putting on their uniforms.
B. The audience was ready for the game to begin
C. The choir was going to sing the national anthem
D. The team was scheduled to play on Sunday

A. The visiting team were putting on their uniforms.

Which sentence displays correct subject verb agreement ?

A. The herd remain in the barn
B. The herd are milked each morning
C. The herd have calves in the spring
D. The herd is in the north pasture

D. The herd is in the north pasture

The sentence that contains a plural collective noun is:

A. The visiting team were putting on their uniforms.

To identify the sentence that contains a plural collective noun, we need to understand what a collective noun is. A collective noun refers to a group of people, animals, or things as a single entity. Examples of collective nouns include words like team, audience, choir, etc.

Now let's analyze the given sentences:

A. "The visiting team were putting on their uniforms."
The word "team" is a collective noun. However, in this sentence, it is treated as a plural noun "were" and "their" are used, indicating that it refers to multiple individuals within the team. Therefore, this sentence does not contain a plural collective noun.

B. "The audience was ready for the game to begin."
The word "audience" is a collective noun, but in this sentence, it is treated as a singular noun "was" is used. Therefore, this sentence does not contain a plural collective noun.

C. "The choir was going to sing the national anthem."
The word "choir" is a collective noun, and in this sentence, it is treated as a singular noun "was" is used. Therefore, this sentence does not contain a plural collective noun.

D. "The team was scheduled to play on Sunday."
The word "team" is a collective noun, and in this sentence, it is treated as a singular noun "was" is used. Therefore, this sentence does not contain a plural collective noun either.

Based on this analysis, none of the given sentences contains a plural collective noun.