reword this sentence

the ddeath of the bobbi played a significant role in starting the playground war

The role of Bobbi's death was significant in initiating the playground war.

reowrd it again

Bobbi's demise played a crucial part in inciting the playground war.

The demise of Bobbi played a major part in initiating the playground conflict.

The Bobbi's death had a major impact on initiating the playground conflict.

To reword the sentence, follow these steps:
1. Identify the main subject of the sentence. In this case, it is "the death of the Bobbi."
2. Determine the verb that describes the action of the subject. Here, it is "played."
3. Recognize the adjective that modifies the role played by the subject. It is "significant."
4. Find the object that receives the action of the verb. In this sentence, it is "the playground war."
5. Rearrange the sentence structure and choose appropriate synonyms or alternate words to express the same meaning. Here's the reworded sentence: "The Bobbi's death had a major impact on initiating the playground conflict."