What was the effect of the development of the knowledge of navigation?

The knowledge of navigation allowed people to travel longer distances. This allowed for more trading and a greater exchange of knowledge.

The knowledge of navigation allowed people to travel longer distances. This allowed for more trading and a greater exchange of knowledge.

The development of the knowledge of navigation had no effect. People had always traveled.

The knowledge of navigation made binding and printing books easier. This allowed more people to learn to read.

The first option is the correct answer: The knowledge of navigation allowed people to travel longer distances. This resulted in more trading and a greater exchange of knowledge.

The correct answer is: The knowledge of navigation allowed people to travel longer distances. This allowed for more trading and a greater exchange of knowledge.

The correct answer is: The knowledge of navigation allowed people to travel longer distances. This allowed for more trading and a greater exchange of knowledge.

To arrive at this answer, we need to understand the concept of navigation and its impact on human activities. Navigation refers to the process of determining the position and direction of objects or vessels, typically for the purpose of travel. In the context of history, the development of navigation techniques, such as the use of stars, compasses, and maps, had a significant impact on human civilization.

By gaining knowledge of navigation, people were able to explore and navigate previously unknown territories. This led to the discovery of new lands, trade routes, and contact with different cultures. The ability to travel longer distances with confidence and accuracy revolutionized the concept of trade, allowing goods and ideas to be exchanged over vast distances. This, in turn, contributed to economic growth, cultural exchange, and the spread of knowledge and technology.

So, the effect of the development of the knowledge of navigation was that it allowed people to travel longer distances, enabling more trading and a greater exchange of knowledge.