$36.74 × 5

(1 point)




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The correct answer is $183.70.

To calculate $36.74 multiplied by 5, you can simply multiply the two values together:

$36.74 × 5 = $183.70

So the correct answer is $183.70.

To answer this question, you need to multiply $36.74 by 5.

To do this calculation, you can follow these steps:

1. Start with the first digit of the second number (5) and multiply it by each digit in the first number ($36.74), starting from the right.

5 multiplied by 4 equals 20. Write down the 0 and carry over the 2 to the next column.

5 multiplied by 7 equals 35, plus the carried over 2 equals 37. Write down the 7 and carry over the 3 to the next column.

5 multiplied by 6 equals 30, plus the carried over 3 equals 33. Write down the 3 and carry over the 3 to the next column.

2. Continue this process for each digit in the second number, multiplying it by each digit in the first number and carrying over as necessary.

3. After multiplying each digit and carrying over, add up all the results to get the final answer.

In this case, after following the steps above, the final answer is $183.70.