In licons second inaugural address he says with malice toward none whoch charity for all what does this quote reveal about lincons attitude toward the south

This quote from Lincoln's second inaugural address reveals his attitude of forgiveness and reconciliation towards the South. By stating "with malice toward none, with charity for all," Lincoln expresses his desire for unity and healing after the Civil War. He does not hold any grudges or wish to seek revenge against the Southern states for their role in the conflict. Instead, he emphasizes the importance of showing kindness and understanding to all individuals, regardless of their past actions or allegiances. This quote demonstrates Lincoln's commitment to moving forward and rebuilding a united nation.

The quote "with malice toward none, with charity for all" from Lincoln's second inaugural address reveals his forgiving and compassionate attitude toward the South. It suggests that Lincoln did not hold any personal animosity or ill-will towards the Southern states despite the bitter and divisive Civil War. Instead, he advocated for a spirit of reconciliation and forgiveness, emphasizing the need to heal and unite the nation. Lincoln's words reflect his desire for a peaceful resolution and his willingness to extend compassion and forgiveness to the South, demonstrating his commitment to rebuilding the Union.

The quote you mentioned, "with malice toward none, with charity for all," is actually from Abraham Lincoln's second inaugural address, delivered on March 4, 1865. This quote reveals Lincoln's attitude towards the South during the time of the Civil War.

To understand Lincoln's attitude towards the South from this quote, you should analyze the context of his second inaugural address. During that time, the United States was in the midst of the Civil War, a devastating conflict between the North (Union) and the South (Confederacy). The Southern states had seceded from the Union and sought to establish their own independent nation, which led to a significant loss of life and widespread destruction.

In his speech, Lincoln aimed to deliver a message of national unity and reconciliation. The phrase "with malice toward none" expresses Lincoln's commitment to not hold resentment or seek revenge against the Southern states for their secession or involvement in the war. He emphasized that, rather than harboring ill feelings, the nation should move forward with compassion and forgiveness.

The phrase "with charity for all" further exemplifies Lincoln's attitude of compassion and understanding. "Charity" in this context refers to goodwill, empathy, and a desire to help and support others. Lincoln recognized that in order to heal the deep wounds of the nation and foster unity, both the North and the South needed to treat each other with kindness and compassion, regardless of past grievances.

Overall, the quote reveals that Lincoln was advocating for a spirit of forgiveness, reconciliation, and compassion towards the South, as he attempted to mend the nation torn apart by the Civil War.