5 18/25 decimal

The decimal form of 5 18/25 is 5.72

To convert the mixed number 5 18/25 to a decimal, follow these steps:

1. Rewrite the mixed number as an improper fraction by multiplying the whole number by the denominator and adding the numerator in the numerator position. In this case, 5 x 25 + 18 = 143.

2. Keep the denominator the same. The denominator remains 25.

3. Write the improper fraction, 143/25, as a decimal by dividing the numerator by the denominator. 143 ÷ 25 equals 5.72.

Therefore, the decimal representation of the mixed number 5 18/25 is 5.72.

To convert the mixed number 5 18/25 to a decimal, follow these steps:

Step 1: Convert the whole number part (5) to a decimal. Since 5 is already a whole number, it can be written as 5.0.

Step 2: Convert the fractional part (18/25) to a decimal. To do this, divide the numerator (18) by the denominator (25):
18 ÷ 25 = 0.72

Step 3: Add the decimal from the whole number part to the decimal from the fractional part:
5.0 + 0.72 = 5.72

Therefore, the decimal equivalent of 5 18/25 is 5.72.