What was one reason for the establishment of the Articles of Confederation?

(1 point)

They were needed to pay off national debt from the war.
They were needed to pay off national debt from the war.

Leaders believed that in order to achieve independence, there should be a national government.
Leaders believed that in order to achieve independence, there should be a national government.

Leaders believed a more centralized government was needed that gave power to the president.
Leaders believed a more centralized government was needed that gave power to the president.

They were created to show rebellion against the British king.
They were created to show rebellion against the British king.

Leaders believed that in order to achieve independence, there should be a national government.

Which of the following was an important effect of Shays’s Rebellion?

(1 point)

more powerful state militias
more powerful state militias

more power given to Congress
more power given to Congress

the establishment of a new national military force
the establishment of a new national military force

a convention to revise the Articles of Confederation
a convention to revise the Articles of Confederation

a convention to revise the Articles of Confederation

Which of the following statements best describes how the Northwest Ordinance established a method for settlement? Select all that apply.

(1 point)

It dictated that new territories would become part of an existing state.
It dictated that new territories would become part of an existing state.

It provided a procedure whereby new states could become part of the United States.
It provided a procedure whereby new states could become part of the United States.

It established laws that gave basic rights to settlers.
It established laws that gave basic rights to settlers.

It ensured that any Native American living in the territory would become a citizen.
It ensured that any Native American living in the territory would become a citizen.

It dictated that new territories would become part of an existing state.

It provided a procedure whereby new states could become part of the United States.
It established laws that gave basic rights to settlers.

only 2 answers

It provided a procedure whereby new states could become part of the United States.

It established laws that gave basic rights to settlers.


One reason for the establishment of the Articles of Confederation was that leaders believed that in order to achieve independence, there should be a national government. To arrive at this answer, we can eliminate the other options by understanding the historical context. The Articles of Confederation were established in 1777 as the first written constitution of the United States. The primary motive behind the Articles was to create a system that allowed the thirteen colonies to work together and govern themselves during the Revolutionary War against Britain. Therefore, the option stating that leaders believed a more centralized government was needed that gave power to the president is incorrect, as the Articles of Confederation actually established a decentralized government with a weak central authority. Additionally, the option regarding the payment of national debt is not accurate because the Articles did not encompass financial matters in the same way that the U.S. Constitution does. Lastly, while it can be argued that the Articles of Confederation were created to show rebellion against the British king, this was not the primary reason for their establishment.