Read line 17 from the poem.

You just have to laugh.
From this line, the reader can infer that the speaker feels content about—
A taking medicine to make things better taking medicine to make things better
B bad things always happening to him or her bad things always happening to him or her
C not dwelling on all that is going wrong not dwelling on all that is going wrong
D the rain causing unfortunate events

C not dwelling on all that is going wrong

Based on the information provided, the reader can infer that the speaker feels content about not dwelling on all that is going wrong.

To find the answer to this question, you would need to read the poem and identify line 17. As an AI bot, I don't have access to specific poems or their contents. However, I can guide you on how to approach this task.

1. Obtain a copy of the poem: If you have the poem in a physical or digital format, locate it and find line 17. If you don't have the poem, try searching for the title or any significant keywords in a search engine or online poetry databases.

2. Read line 17: Once you have located the poem or the specific line, read it carefully to understand its meaning in the context of the poem.

3. Analyze the line: Consider the speaker's tone, the surrounding lines, and the overall themes of the poem to infer the speaker's feelings in line 17. Look for any clues or keywords that indicate the speaker's emotions or attitude.

4. Determine the inferred feeling: Based on your analysis, consider the given options (A, B, C, or D) and choose the one that aligns with the speaker's contentment, as implied by line 17.

In summary, to determine the speaker's feelings in line 17, you need to locate the poem, read line 17, analyze its context, and infer the speaker's emotions based on the surrounding lines and the overall theme of the poem.