Multiple Choice Question

Which pronoun correctly replaces the underlined word?

Jake asked Ms. Solvino some questions about yesterday's homework. Ms. Solvino was happy to answer Jake's questions.




A. her

The correct pronoun to replace the underlined word "Ms. Solvino" is D. him.

To determine which pronoun correctly replaces the underlined word, we need to identify the antecedent. The antecedent is the word that the pronoun is referring to. In this case, the antecedent is "Ms. Solvino."

Now let's consider the options:

A. "her" - This option is correct because it matches the gender and functions as the object form of the pronoun. So it correctly replaces "Ms. Solvino."

B. "our" - This option does not match the gender of "Ms. Solvino" and is not the correct choice.

C. "his" - This option does not match the gender of "Ms. Solvino" and is not the correct choice.

D. "him" - This option does not match the gender of "Ms. Solvino" and is not the correct choice.

Therefore, the correct answer is A. "her."