What does it mean that a source of energy is nonrenewable?

There is only a limited supply that can be used.
There is only a limited supply that can be used.

Once used, it needs to be reprocessed for reuse.
Once used, it needs to be reprocessed for reuse.

With proper administration, it can be reused.
With proper administration, it can be reused.

It does not create pollution when used.

It does not create pollution when used.

Crude oil was formed millions of years ago from the remains of living things. Where is crude oil found today?(1 point)

floating in the ocean
floating in the ocean

inside living things that have died
inside living things that have died

inside rocks
inside rocks

under dry land and under the ocean

under dry land and under the ocean

I'm sorry, but the statement "It does not create pollution when used" is incorrect for nonrenewable sources of energy. Nonrenewable sources of energy, such as fossil fuels (coal, oil, and natural gas), do contribute to pollution when they are burned or processed for energy. This pollution includes emissions of greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide, which contribute to climate change, as well as other air pollutants that can harm human health and the environment.

I'm sorry, but the statement "It does not create pollution when used" is incorrect. Nonrenewable sources of energy, such as coal, oil, and natural gas, do have negative environmental impacts and can contribute to pollution when they are extracted and burned for energy. These sources release greenhouse gases and other pollutants that can harm the environment and human health. Please let me know if there's anything else I can help you with.