Which statement is true about solving multi digit addition problems only a one will be carried over or carry over all ones before adding or when, carrying over a number you carry over the number in the ones place, or the problem must be lined up vertically by place value before adding

When solving multi-digit addition problems, it is important to line up the numbers vertically by place value before adding. This ensures that the corresponding digits are aligned properly for addition.

If, during the addition process, the sum of a column exceeds 9, a carry-over is required. The carry-over involves moving the value of the tens place from the sum to the next column on the left, and the sum of the ones place is written down. This ensures that all relevant place values are accounted for in the addition.

To solve multi-digit addition problems, it is important to align the numbers vertically by place value before adding. This allows for a systematic approach to adding each digit, starting from the ones place and moving towards the left.

When adding two digits in the same place value column, you add them together. If the sum is a single-digit number (0-9), then you write that number in the corresponding place value column of the sum. However, if the sum is a two-digit number, you write down the ones digit and carry over the tens digit to the next place value column.

For example, let's consider the addition problem:

+ 157

Starting from the rightmost column (ones place), we have 4 + 7 = 11. In this case, we write down the digit 1 in the ones place column of the sum and carry over the digit 1 to the tens place column.

+ 157

Moving to the next column (tens place), we have 3 + 5 + 1 (carried over) = 9. We simply write down the digit 9 in the tens place column of the sum.

+ 157

Finally, in the leftmost column (hundreds place), we have 2 + 1 (carried over) = 3. We write down the digit 3 in the hundreds place column of the sum.

+ 157

In summary, when adding multi-digit numbers, you should line up the numbers vertically by place value and independently add each column. If the sum in any column is a two-digit number, you write down the ones digit and carry over the tens digit to the next column.

The statement "when carrying over a number, you carry over the number in the ones place" is true about solving multi-digit addition problems.