Nomadic tribes had the advantage over stationary tribes because ___.

the nomadic tribes were not as exposed to the diseases of White people

the nomadic tribes moved to new sources of water

the stationary tribes could not hunt bison

the stationary tribes experienced crop failures

The nomadic tribes had the advantage over stationary tribes because they were able to move to new sources of water. This allowed them to avoid water scarcity and adapt to changing environmental conditions. Additionally, nomadic tribes could follow migratory herds for hunting and gathering, ensuring a more reliable food source compared to stationary tribes who relied on crops and could experience crop failures.

Nomadic tribes had the advantage over stationary tribes because they moved to new sources of water.

The advantage that nomadic tribes had over stationary tribes is that they could move to new sources of water. Nomadic tribes were not tied to a specific location and could easily adapt to changing environmental conditions. They would frequently move their camps in search of fresh water, which was crucial for survival. This mobility allowed them to access different water sources and avoid areas that experienced drought or other problems.

To find this answer, you can study the lifestyle and characteristics of both nomadic and stationary tribes. Reading historical accounts, anthropological studies, or textbooks on indigenous cultures would provide insight into how these tribes lived and the advantages they had. Additionally, researching the geographical regions where nomadic tribes lived and understanding the importance of water sources in sustaining human settlements would also contribute to understanding the advantages of nomadic tribes.