Which expression is NOT equivalent to the others?






The expression "CLEAR CHECK" is not equivalent to the others.

To determine which expression is not equivalent to the others, we need to simplify each expression and compare the results.

1. CLEAR CHECK - Since we have no information about "CLEAR CHECK," we cannot determine its value or simplify it.

2. 152+151×131×131 = 152 + 290,381 = 290,533

3. 152×151×132 = 473,256

4. 15×15×15×13×13 = 63,225

5. 153×132 = 20,196

Comparing the simplified expressions, we can see that:

- 290,533 ≠ 473,256
- 290,533 ≠ 63,225
- 290,533 ≠ 20,196

Thus, the expression 152+151×131×131 is not equivalent to the others.

To determine which expression is not equivalent to the others, we need to simplify each expression and then compare them.

Let's start with the expressions:

1) CLEAR CHECK: This doesn't seem like a mathematical expression, so we can skip it for now.

2) 152 + 151 × 131 × 131: To simplify this expression, we need to follow the order of operations (PEMDAS/BODMAS). According to this rule, multiplication should be performed before addition. So, let's calculate the multiplication first:
151 × 131 × 131 = 2,125,561

Now, we can add 152 to the result:
2,125,561 + 152 = 2,125,713

3) 152 × 151 × 132: Similar to the previous expression, we will perform the multiplication first:
152 × 151 × 132 = 3,644,064

4) 15 × 15 × 15 × 13 × 13: Again, we'll follow the order of operations:
15 × 15 × 15 × 13 × 13 = 245,025

5) 153 × 132: Multiplying directly:
153 × 132 = 20,196

Now, let's compare the results:

CLEAR CHECK: No numerical value to compare.

152 + 151 × 131 × 131 = 2,125,713
152 × 151 × 132 = 3,644,064
15 × 15 × 15 × 13 × 13 = 245,025
153 × 132 = 20,196

From the comparisons, we can see that the expression 153 × 132 = 20,196 is not equivalent to the others.