In a metropolitan area, suburbs are connected by commerce, employment opportunities, and supply chains to the cities that surround them. What kind of region does this indicate?(1 point)


A physical region

A political region

A cultural region

An economic region

An economic region

This indicates an economic region.

The statement suggests that suburbs in a metropolitan area are connected to the surrounding cities through commerce, employment opportunities, and supply chains. To determine the kind of region being indicated, we need to analyze the different options and see which one aligns with these characteristics.

1. A physical region: This refers to a geographical area with common physical features such as landforms, climate, or vegetation. Although suburbs in a metropolitan area may be located within a specific physical region, the given information does not focus on physical characteristics.

2. A political region: This refers to an area governed by a specific political entity or administration. While there may be some influence from political boundaries, the focus of the statement is on the economic connections between suburbs and cities rather than political boundaries.

3. A cultural region: This refers to an area where people share common cultural traits, such as language, customs, or traditions. Although there may be cultural influences within a metropolitan area, the primary emphasis in the statement is on economic connections rather than cultural similarities or differences.

4. An economic region: This refers to an area where economic activities and connections are the primary defining factor. Given that the statement emphasizes the connections between suburbs and cities based on commerce, employment opportunities, and supply chains, it strongly suggests an economic region.

Therefore, based on the given information, the answer would be: An economic region.