What is the missing number in this simplified exponential expression: 7? ÷ 75 = 712 In other words, what does the exponent in the first term need to be to make this expression true.

To find the missing exponent in the expression, we need to solve for it. We can rearrange the equation to isolate the missing exponent:

7^x ÷ 75 = 712

To get rid of the division, we can multiply both sides of the equation by 75:

7^x = 712 * 75

7^x = 53400

Now, to find the value of x, we need to take the logarithm of both sides of the equation. Using logarithms with base 7 (since we have 7^x), we can express it as:

log7(7^x) = log7(53400)

x = log7(53400)

Using a calculator, we find that x is approximately 4.

what the anser

The missing exponent that would make the expression true is 4.

What is the value of 6.9 - 20 power? Find the value of the zero power first, then solve this problem.

To find the value of 20 raised to the power of 0, we need to understand the concept of zero exponents. Any number (except zero) raised to the power of 0 is equal to 1.

Therefore, 20^0 = 1.

Now, we can solve the expression 6.9 - 20^0:

6.9 - 1 = 5.9.

Hence, the value of the expression 6.9 - 20^0 is 5.9.

Apply the Zero Power Rule to create an equivalent expression to:

To apply the Zero Power Rule, we need an exponent raised to the power of zero. However, you did not provide an expression or equation to which the rule should be applied. Please provide the specific expression or equation you would like to apply the Zero Power Rule to, and I will be happy to assist you.

no it is 17 and i am trying to figer uot y 😐

What is the missing number in this simplified exponential expression: 7^?÷7^5=7^12
