16. A popular cell phone manufacturer begins selling a new phone with many unique features and is improved. Lots of people want to buy the new phone. The old phone cost $149.00.

What is the most likely price of the new phone?

(1 point)





Based on the information given, it is not possible to determine the most likely price of the new phone.

i need a answer

Apologies for the confusion. Based on the information given, it is likely that the price of the new phone would be higher than the old phone, considering it has many unique features and improvements. Therefore, the most likely price would be $199.

Based on the information provided, it is not possible to determine the most likely price of the new phone.

To determine the most likely price of the new phone, we can consider the information given. It is mentioned that the new phone has many unique features and improvements. It is also mentioned that lots of people want to buy the new phone.

Based on these details, it is reasonable to assume that the new phone would be priced higher than the old phone, which costs $149.00. Phone manufacturers generally price new models at a higher price point to reflect the added value and enhancements.

Therefore, the most likely price of the new phone would be $199. This option from the given responses aligns with the information provided and is the most realistic estimate for the price of the new phone.