The third one must start with a male person such as (أَبِي / أَخَي / صَديقي) , a verb and a compliment

أَبِي يَقْرَأُ كَتَابًا مُثْرًى.

(Abi yaqra'u kitaban muthran.)
My father is reading an interesting book.

he runs fast in arabic

أَخِي يَرْكُضُ بِسُرْعَةٍ.

(Akhi yarkudu bisur'atin.)
My brother runs fast.

To construct a sentence that meets your criteria, we can use "أَخِي" (my brother), a verb, and a compliment. Here's an example:

1. أَخِي سَاعَدَنِي - My brother helped me.

To form a sentence in Arabic that includes a male person (أَبِي / أَخَي / صَديقي), a verb, and a compliment, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Choose a male person
You can choose any one of the three options provided: أَبِي (my father), أَخَي (my brother), or صَديقي (my friend).

Step 2: Select a verb
You can choose any verb that fits the context of your sentence. For example, if you want to describe an action that the person is doing, choose a verb that represents that action.

Step 3: Add a compliment
A compliment is a word or phrase that provides additional information about the person or the action. It can describe the person's appearance, qualities, or emotions. Choose a compliment that complements the verb and provides meaning to the sentence.

Step 4: Form the sentence
Combine the selected male person, the chosen verb, and the compliment to form the sentence. Make sure to follow the rules of Arabic grammar and word order.

Here are some examples:
1. أَبي يَعْمَلُ بِجَدٍ. (My father works hard.)
2. أَخِي يَدْرُسُ الطَّبَّ. (My brother studies medicine.)
3. صَدِيقِي يُحِبُّ السَفَرَ. (My friend loves to travel.)

Remember, these examples can be customized by choosing different persons, verbs, and compliments according to your needs.