Find the product of 25⋅25 using the Product Rule of Exponents.(1 point) Responses 1 1 0 0 1,024 1,024 20

The product of 25⋅25 using the Product Rule of Exponents is 625.

Using the Quotient Rule of Exponents, what is 7power7÷7power3 in exponential simplest form?

Using the Quotient Rule of Exponents, 7^7 ÷ 7^3 can be simplified as 7^(7-3) = 7^4.

The Product Rule of Exponents states that when two numbers with the same base are multiplied together, you add their exponents. In this case, both numbers have a base of 5.

So, 25⋅25 can be written as (5^2)⋅(5^2).

Using the Product Rule of Exponents, we add the exponents to get 5^(2+2).

2+2 equals 4, so the final answer is 5^4, which is equal to 625.

To find the product of 25⋅25 using the Product Rule of Exponents, we need to multiply the base (25) and add the exponents (which are both 1).

The Product Rule of Exponents states that if you have the same base raised to two different exponents, you can simply add the exponents and keep the base the same.

In this case, 25⋅25 can be written as 25^1⋅25^1.

Now, applying the Product Rule of Exponents, we add the exponents:

25^1⋅25^1 = 25^(1+1) = 25^2.

Therefore, the product of 25⋅25 using the Product Rule of Exponents is 25^2.

To calculate this, you can take 25 and raise it to the power of 2:

25^2 = 25 * 25 = 625.

So, the product of 25⋅25 using the Product Rule of Exponents is 625.