How many beats is this note worth in 4/4 time


In 4/4 time, the solid notehead (represented by "|") without any additional markings is typically worth 1 beat.

In 4/4 time, the note represented by the symbol "|" is called a quarter note. Thus, it is worth one beat.

In 4/4 time, the note represented by "|" is called a quarter note. A quarter note is typically worth one beat in 4/4 time, which is the most common time signature in music.

The symbol "()" usually indicates a rest, which means a period of silence. In this case, it represents a quarter rest, which also lasts for one beat.

To determine the number of beats for a note or rest in a specific time signature, you can follow these steps:
1. Identify the time signature: The time signature consists of two numbers, with the top number indicating the number of beats per measure and the bottom number representing the note value that gets one beat.
2. Determine the note value of the particular symbol: Each note and rest has a specific value assigned to it, such as quarter note, half note, whole note, etc.
3. Compare the note value to the bottom number of the time signature: If the note value matches the bottom number of the time signature, it is worth one beat. If the note value is half of the bottom number, it is worth half a beat, and so on.

In this case, since the time signature is 4/4, the bottom number is 4. The quarter note "|" and the quarter rest "()" both have a value of one beat.