Which is the indirect object in the sentence below?Sid built us a stereo cabinet in the basement.

Which is the predicate nominative in the sentence beloSwitzerland is a politically neutral country.

The predicate nominative in the sentence "Switzerland is a politically neutral country" is "country."

The indirect object in the sentence is "us".

To identify the indirect object in a sentence, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Identify the verb
The verb in the given sentence is "built."

Step 2: Determine who/what receives the direct object
The direct object in this sentence is "a stereo cabinet."

Step 3: Ask "to/for whom" or "to/for what" the action is done
In this case, who did Sid build the stereo cabinet for? The answer is "us."

Step 4: Identify the indirect object
The indirect object is the recipient of the direct object. In this sentence, the indirect object is "us."

Therefore, the indirect object in the sentence "Sid built us a stereo cabinet in the basement" is "us."