which of the following best illustrates a strong claim

it was right for the american colonists to declare independence because the british government did not support their intrests
according to the declaration of independence people have the right to life liberty and the pursuit of happiness
the declaration of independence explained why american colonists wanted to form their own government
the american coloniss had an absolute right to declare independence from great britian

The following statement best illustrates a strong claim: "The American colonists had an absolute right to declare independence from Great Britain."

The sentence that best illustrates a strong claim is: "The American colonists had an absolute right to declare independence from Great Britain."

To determine which of the following best illustrates a strong claim, we need to assess the strength and support of each statement.

The first statement, "It was right for the American colonists to declare independence because the British government did not support their interests," is a strong claim. It presents a clear argument and offers a reason supporting the assertion. However, to evaluate the strength of this claim, we need to examine the level of support and evidence provided.

The second statement, "According to the Declaration of Independence, people have the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness," is not a claim but a statement of a right found in the Declaration of Independence. While this statement provides important information, it does not explicitly make a strong argument.

The third statement, "The Declaration of Independence explained why American colonists wanted to form their own government," provides factual information rather than a strong claim. It does not offer an argument or assert a position.

The fourth statement, "The American colonists had an absolute right to declare independence from Great Britain," is a strong claim. It presents a clear argument and asserts a strong position. However, as with the first statement, we need to evaluate the support and evidence for this claim.

Based on the assessment, the strongest claim among the options provided is the first statement: "It was right for the American colonists to declare independence because the British government did not support their interests." It presents a clear argument with a reason supporting the claim. To fully evaluate the strength of this claim, further examination of the evidence, historical context, and different perspectives on the matter is recommended.