
Malik is a mechanical engineer who works for a large paper manufacturing company. What would be one task that Malik might perform as part of his job?

Malik works in the receiving warehouse directing trucks.

Malik examines and repairs a large forklift used to move paper bales.

Malik tests the finished paper for its quality.

Malik pulls the paper balls off of the forklift and puts them in storage.

Malik examines and repairs a large forklift used to move paper bales.

Graham excelled in geometry, both in high school and college. He became an architect who designs large sports arenas. What ability might Graham possess that helps him in his chosen career path?

Graham can visualize spaces easily.

Graham is friendly and outgoing.

Graham is very good at staying within a budget.

Graham is strong and can lift large items.

Graham can visualize spaces easily.


Karen works for a large distribution company. Her job entails labeling boxes that have come in and making sure that they are stored in the proper area so that they can be found when ready to ship out. What is one quality that could be helpful to Karen in her career?

Karen is an organizational wizard who pays attention to detail.

Karen is outgoing and is good at developing relationships.

Karen is punctual and values being on time.

Karen is artistic and loves to create things.

Karen is an organizational wizard who pays attention to detail.


Lena is on a career pathway that focuses on maintenance, repair, and servicing of the vehicles and transportation facilities. What career cluster is Lena MOST LIKELY in?

Transportation & Logistics

Architecture & Construction


Marketing & Sales

Lena is MOST LIKELY in the Transportation & Logistics career cluster.


Mariana is a pilot for a large airline. She is certified to fly large airplanes and usually covers long flights across the country. The pathway in the Transportation and Logistics cluster that Mariana’s job falls into is _____.

Facility & Mobile Equipment Maintenance

Logistics, Planning and Management Services

Transportation and Operations

Warehousing & Distribution Center Operations

The pathway in the Transportation and Logistics cluster that Mariana's job falls into is Transportation and Operations.


People in the Warehousing and Distribution center pathway create safety procedures that employees follow.

