Early Asian Societal Structures Quick Check

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Which is the correct chronological order, from earliest to most recent, of the philosophies and belief systems that developed in early China?(1 point)

Daoism – Confucianism – Legalism – Buddhism
Daoism – Confucianism – Legalism – Buddhism

Buddhism – Legalism – Daoism – Confucianism
Buddhism – Legalism – Daoism – Confucianism

Confucianism – Daoism – Buddhism – Legalism
Confucianism – Daoism – Buddhism – Legalism

Confucianism – Daoism – Legalism – Buddhism

Confucianism – Daoism – Legalism – Buddhism

The correct chronological order, from earliest to most recent, of the philosophies and belief systems that developed in early China is:

1. Confucianism - Daoism - Legalism - Buddhism

To determine the correct chronological order of the philosophies and belief systems that developed in early China, we need to understand their historical development.

1. Confucianism: Confucianism was developed by Confucius during the period of the Spring and Autumn Period (771-476 BCE) and the Warring States Period (475-221 BCE). Confucius emphasized ethics, social harmony, and moral values.

2. Daoism (Taoism): Daoism was developed by Laozi during the same period as Confucianism. Daoism focuses on achieving harmony with the Dao (the Way) and emphasizes simplicity, spontaneity, and naturalness.

3. Legalism: Legalism emerged during the late Warring States Period and was mainly associated with the philosopher Han Feizi. Legalism emphasizes strict adherence to laws and regulations, advocating for a powerful and centralized government.

4. Buddhism: Buddhism was introduced to China from India around the 1st century CE. It became more popular during the Han Dynasty (206 BCE - 220 CE). Buddhism emphasizes the pursuit of spiritual enlightenment, the Eightfold Path, and the concept of karma.

Based on this historical context, the correct chronological order of the philosophies and belief systems that developed in early China is:
Confucianism – Daoism – Legalism - Buddhism

Therefore, the correct answer is: Confucianism – Daoism – Legalism – Buddhism.