he top of the sign is in English, and the bottom of the sign is in Afrikaans, a language used predominantly by white South Africans. Based on this image, what was South Africa like under the apartheid government?

The government treated all citizens equally.

Afrikaners were treated as second-class citizens.

Most citizens of South Africa were Afrikaner.

Racial discrimination was enforced by law.


Racial discrimination was enforced by law.

Use the map of agriculture in China to answer the question.

Why is agricultural production in China distributed in this way?

Much of western China is covered by dense rain forests.

Much of western China is mountainous and has a desert climate.

The Huang He frequently floods, destroying farmland in western China.

The Gobi Desert covers western China, making it incapable of supporting farms.

B. Much of western China is mountainous and has a desert climate.

The correct answer is D. Racial discrimination was enforced by law.

To answer this question, we can analyze the image and consider historical context.

Under the apartheid government in South Africa, racial discrimination was enforced by law. This system was implemented to maintain strict racial segregation and control over the non-white population.

In the image you described, the top of the sign being in English and the bottom in Afrikaans provides an indication of different treatment based on race. During apartheid, English was associated with the white minority, while Afrikaans was predominantly spoken by the Afrikaner population, who were mainly wealthy white South Africans.

Therefore, the correct answer is D. Racial discrimination was enforced by law. Apartheid policies ensured that different racial groups were treated unequally, with non-whites facing severe discrimination in various aspects of life, including education, housing, employment, and freedom of movement.