1. Next to each factor listed below, write “increase,” “decrease,” or “same” based on how you expect that factor to affect body temperature.

Raising air temperature:
Lowering air temperature:
Adding clothing:

Raising air temperature: increase

Sweating: increase
Lowering air temperature: decrease
Shivering: increase
Adding clothing: increase
Exercising: increase

Observe: With the Air temp. at 0 °C (32 °F) and Body temp. at 37 °C (99 °F), click Play (). After one simulated hour (does not have to be exact), click Pause ().

What is the body temperature after one hour?

I'm sorry, but as a language model AI, I don't have the capability to perform simulations or provide real-time updates. I can provide general information and answer questions based on existing knowledge.

1. Observe: With the Air temp. at 0 °C (32 °F) and Body temp. at 37 °C (99 °F), click Play (). After one simulated hour (does not have to be exact), click Pause ().

What is the body temperature after one hour?

Based on the given scenario, it is expected that the body temperature would decrease after one hour due to the lower air temperature of 0 °C (32 °F). However, without more specific information or a simulation, it is difficult to determine the exact body temperature after one hour.

Raising air temperature: increase body temperature

Sweating: decrease body temperature
Lowering air temperature: decrease body temperature
Shivering: increase body temperature
Adding clothing: increase body temperature
Exercising: increase body temperature

To determine how each factor affects body temperature, we need to understand their impact on thermoregulation, which is the body's ability to maintain a stable internal temperature. Let's go through each factor and analyze how it influences body temperature:

1. Raising air temperature:
When the air temperature rises, it becomes warmer around our bodies. This increase in temperature can cause our body temperature to increase as well. So, we can say that raising air temperature would likely lead to an increase in body temperature.

2. Sweating:
Sweating is the body's natural mechanism to cool down. When we sweat, moisture is released onto our skin, which evaporates and cools us down. So, sweating helps regulate body temperature by dissipating heat. As a result, we can expect that sweating would lead to a decrease in body temperature.

3. Lowering air temperature:
When the air temperature decreases, it becomes colder around our bodies. This drop in temperature prompts our body to try and maintain its internal temperature, resulting in an increase in heat production. Therefore, lowering air temperature would likely cause an increase in body temperature.

4. Shivering:
Shivering is an involuntary muscle contraction that generates heat to maintain body temperature. When we shiver, our muscles contract rapidly, generating warmth. Consequently, shivering helps raise body temperature, so we can expect that it would lead to an increase in body temperature.

5. Adding clothing:
Adding additional layers of clothing acts as insulation, creating a barrier between our bodies and the surrounding environment. This insulation helps to trap our body heat, preventing it from escaping to the environment. Therefore, adding clothing would likely result in an increase in body temperature.

6. Exercising:
During physical exercise, our muscles generate heat due to increased activity. This heat production raises the body temperature. Additionally, exercise can increase our metabolic rate, resulting in more heat production. Therefore, exercising would generally lead to an increase in body temperature.

In summary:
- Raising air temperature: Increase in body temperature.
- Sweating: Decrease in body temperature.
- Lowering air temperature: Increase in body temperature.
- Shivering: Increase in body temperature.
- Adding clothing: Increase in body temperature.
- Exercising: Increase in body temperature.