Rewrite the following sentences so they are all in active voice.

At this year's honors ceremony, all of the awards were handed out by Ms Frizzle. Awards were given to the best students in each subject. A standing ovation was given by the audience. After the ceremony, a party was thrown by student council.

Ms Frizzle handed out all of the awards at this year's honors ceremony. The audience gave a standing ovation. Student council threw a party after the ceremony. The best students in each subject received awards.

Use the following sentence to answer the question below.

After traveling for days, Percy finally found the hidden cave.

What part of speech is the word "hidden" in this sentence? How can you tell? Answer in a RARE response.

The word "hidden" in the sentence is an adjective. This can be identified by its placement before the noun it modifies, "cave." In this case, "hidden" describes the type or quality of the cave, indicating that it is concealed or not easily seen.

in 50 words

The word "hidden" in the sentence is an adjective. It describes the noun "cave" and indicates that it is concealed or not easily seen. Its placement before the noun suggests its function as an adjective, modifying and providing additional information about the cave.

Ms Frizzle handed out all of the awards at this year's honors ceremony. The audience gave a standing ovation. The student council threw a party after the ceremony. The best students in each subject received awards.

Ms Frizzle handed out all of the awards at this year's honors ceremony. The best students in each subject received awards. The audience gave a standing ovation. Student council threw a party after the ceremony.