Stanton needs to travel from detroit to St.joseph .he says he will drive more than u agree explain

Without any additional information, it is not possible to agree or disagree with Stanton's statement. The distance between Detroit and St. Joseph is approximately 200 miles, so if Stanton claims he will drive more than 190 miles, it could be true. However, if Stanton provides more specific details, such as the exact route or any planned stops along the way, it would be easier to determine if his statement is accurate.

Yes, I agree that Stanton will drive more than 190 miles if he is traveling from Detroit to St. Joseph. The distance between Detroit and St. Joseph is approximately 272 miles, so Stanton would have to drive more than 190 miles to reach his destination.

To determine if Stanton's claim that he will drive more than 190 miles from Detroit to St. Joseph is accurate, we can calculate the actual distance between the two cities. Here's how you can do it:

1. Find the specific locations of Detroit and St. Joseph.

To accurately calculate the distance, you need to know the exact locations of Detroit and St. Joseph. Detroit is a major city in the state of Michigan, while St. Joseph is a city located on the shores of Lake Michigan, also in Michigan. You can use online maps or GPS systems to pinpoint the precise locations.

2. Use an online distance calculator or route planner.

Online distance calculators and route planners, such as Google Maps, can easily provide the driving distance between any two locations. Simply input "Detroit" as the starting point and "St. Joseph" as the destination. The tool will calculate the shortest driving distance, taking into account various road routes and conditions.

3. Analyze the distance provided by the route planner.

The online distance calculator will give you the driving distance in miles between Detroit and St. Joseph. Check if it exceeds 190 miles. If it does, then the claim made by Stanton that he will drive more than 190 miles is correct. If it falls below 190 miles or is equal to it, then the claim is incorrect.

By following these steps, you can verify whether Stanton's claim is accurate or not.