Which sentence explains what visuals in an informational text do?

They can replace several paragraphs of information in the text.

They can help the reader understand the information in the text.

They can help the reader understand the information in the text.

They can give the reader something nice to look at.

The sentence "They can help the reader understand the information in the text." explains what visuals in an informational text do.

The sentence that explains what visuals in an informational text do is: "They can help the reader understand the information in the text."

The sentence that best explains what visuals in an informational text do is:

"They can help the reader understand the information in the text."

To arrive at this answer, let's analyze the options:

- "They can replace several paragraphs of information in the text." This sentence suggests that visuals can entirely replace written information. While visuals can convey information, it is unlikely that they would replace multiple paragraphs in an informational text. Therefore, this option is not the best explanation.

- "They can help the reader understand the information in the text." This sentence accurately expresses the purpose of visuals in an informational text. Visuals, such as charts, graphs, diagrams, or illustrations, can enhance comprehension by presenting information in a visual format. This option aligns with the typical function of visuals in informational texts, making it the most suitable choice.

- "They can give the reader something nice to look at." This option focuses more on the aesthetic value of visuals rather than their primary purpose in an informational text. While visuals can be visually pleasing, their main role is to aid understanding rather than purely providing something enjoyable to look at. Therefore, this option is less accurate compared to the previous explanation.

In summary, the sentence that best explains what visuals in an informational text do is: "They can help the reader understand the information in the text."