choose the correct representation of the date in German: July 19, 2005



The correct representation of the date "July 19, 2005" in German would be "19.7.05".

The correct representation of the date "July 19, 2005" in German is "19.7.05".

To understand this, let's break it down:

In German, the usual format for writing dates is day.month.year (Tag.Monat.Jahr).

In the given date, the day is "19", the month is "July" (which is "Juli" in German), and the year is "2005".

So, when writing this date in German, we would first write the day, followed by the month, and then the year, separating each component with a dot.

Therefore, the correct representation of the date "July 19, 2005" in German would be "19.7.05".