Sabine has signed up for her first HIIT class. What will MOST likely happen in this class? (1 point) Responses It will alternate intense exercise and active recovery. It will alternate intense exercise and active recovery. It will focus on meditation, flexibility, and breathing. It will focus on meditation, flexibility, and breathing. It will strengthen a participant’s heart but not their lungs. It will strengthen a participant’s heart but not their lungs. It will divide a 30-minute workout into three 10-minute workouts. It will divide a 30-minute workout into three 10-minute workouts.

It will alternate intense exercise and active recovery.

Response: It will alternate intense exercise and active recovery.

To determine what will most likely happen in Sabine's HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training) class, we need to understand the concept of HIIT and its typical structure.

HIIT is a training method that involves alternating between periods of intense exercise and short periods of active recovery. The purpose is to elevate heart rate, challenge the cardiovascular system, and maximize calorie burn in a shorter amount of time.

Given this information, the correct response is:

- It will alternate intense exercise and active recovery.

In a HIIT class, participants can expect to engage in high-intensity exercises like sprints, burpees, jumping jacks, or mountain climbers for a specific time interval (usually 20-60 seconds). This high-intensity phase is typically followed by a short period (10-30 seconds) of active recovery, which may include walking, light jogging, or slower movements to lower the heart rate before starting the next intense interval.

This pattern of alternating between intense exercise and active recovery is the essence of a HIIT workout and what makes it effective. By pushing the body to its limit during the intense phase and then allowing brief recovery, it challenges the cardiovascular system, increases endurance, and can be a highly efficient way to burn calories.

So, to summarize, in Sabine's HIIT class, it is most likely that the class will alternate between periods of intense exercise and active recovery.