You have now learned that a good goalkeeper must possess quickness, agility, and good eyesight. What other athlete requires the same skill set for success? (1 point) Responses Quarterback Quarterback Golfer Golfer Bowler Bowler Shot putter


The athlete that requires the same skill set for success as a good goalkeeper is the Quarterback.

To determine which other athlete requires the same skill set as a good goalkeeper (quickness, agility, and good eyesight), we can analyze the skills required for each of the options provided: quarterback, golfer, bowler, and shot putter.

1. Quarterback: A quarterback in American football also needs quickness, agility, and good eyesight. They must be able to quickly react and make agile movements to avoid sacks while maintaining clear vision to accurately pass the ball to receivers.

2. Golfer: While golf does require good eyesight for long-distance accuracy, the level of quickness and agility needed is relatively lower compared to goalkeeper. Golf players rely more on strong technique, precision, and mental focus rather than physical quickness and agility.

3. Bowler: Similar to golf, bowling mostly relies on technique, accuracy, and consistency rather than quickness and agility. While bowlers need some degree of physical coordination and sharp eyesight, their success is not primarily dependent on the quickness and agility attributes.

4. Shot putter: Shot put is a track and field event that requires explosive power, strength, and coordination, rather than quickness and agility. Shot putters focus on generating maximum force to propel the heavy metal ball as far as possible, rather than quick movements or reactive agility.

Therefore, the athlete that requires a similar skill set to a good goalkeeper is the quarterback. They employ quickness, agility, and good eyesight to make split-second decisions and perform accurate passes while under pressure.