Which table correctly compares a virus and a living organism?


Characteristic Virus Living Organism
Composition cells genetic material and proteins
Reproduction through cell division through a host cell
Genetic material DNA or RNA DNA or RNA
Organelles contains organelles does not contain organelles
Crystallization cannot survive can survive

Characteristic Virus Living Organism
Composition genetic material and proteins cells
Reproduction through a host cell through cell division
Genetic material DNA or RNA DNA and RNA
Organelles does not contain organelles contains organelles
Crystallization can survive cannot survive

Characteristic Virus Living Organism
Composition cells genetic material and proteins
Reproduction through a host cell through cell division
Genetic material DNA and RNA DNA or RNA
Organelles does not contain organelles contains organelles
Crystallization cannot survive can survive

Characteristic Virus Living Organism
Composition cells cells
Reproduction through cell division through a host cell
Genetic material DNA and RNA DNA and RNA
Organelles contains organelles does not contain organelles
Crystallization can survive cannot survive


Characteristic Virus Living Organism
Composition genetic material and proteins cells
Reproduction through a host cell through cell division
Genetic material DNA or RNA DNA and RNA
Organelles does not contain organelles contains organelles
Crystallization can survive cannot survive

The correct table that compares a virus and a living organism is table A.

Characteristic Virus Living Organism
Composition genetic material and proteins cells
Reproduction through a host cell through cell division
Genetic material DNA or RNA DNA or RNA
Organelles does not contain organelles contains organelles
Crystallization cannot survive can survive

The correct table that compares a virus and a living organism is table C.

To arrive at this conclusion, we need to compare the characteristics of both a virus and a living organism.

1. Composition: The virus is composed of genetic material and proteins, whereas a living organism is composed of cells. This is correctly represented in table C.

2. Reproduction: Viruses reproduce through a host cell, while living organisms reproduce through cell division. This is correctly represented in table C.

3. Genetic Material: Both viruses and living organisms possess DNA or RNA. This is correctly represented in table C.

4. Organelles: Viruses do not contain organelles, whereas living organisms contain organelles. This is correctly represented in table C.

5. Crystallization: Viruses cannot survive crystallization, but living organisms can. This is correctly represented in table C.

From these comparisons, we can see that table C accurately represents the differences between a virus and a living organism.