State one diversity dimension applicable to Lesedi's company

One diversity dimension applicable to Lesedi's company could be gender diversity.

One diversity dimension applicable to Lesedi's company could be gender diversity.

To determine one diversity dimension applicable to Lesedi's company, you'll need to consider the various attributes that make up diversity.

Diversity dimensions refer to the characteristics or traits that contribute to the diversity of a group or organization. Some common diversity dimensions include race, ethnicity, gender, age, sexual orientation, religion, disability, and socio-economic background.

To determine which dimension is applicable to Lesedi's company, you can gather information through research or by referring to the company's diversity and inclusion policies, mission statement, or employee resource groups. You can also consider the industry in which the company operates, as this can influence the specific diversity dimensions that are relevant.

For example, if Lesedi's company is focused on promoting gender equality and inclusion, gender could be a diversity dimension applicable to their organization. This means that they are actively working to ensure equal opportunities and representation for people of all genders in their workforce.