In three to four sentences write a narrative paragraph that includes two transition. The transition. Should tell information about two of the following what is happening when where the action. Is happening or whether time has passed between events

As the sun began to set behind the distant mountains, a cool breeze swept across the peaceful meadow. The vibrant colors of wildflowers danced in the golden hour light, signaling the arrival of evening. Meanwhile, a group of friends gathered around a flickering campfire, their laughter echoing through the serene valley.

As the sun began to set over the rolling hills, the once bustling city streets grew quieter. People retreated to the warmth of their homes, signaling the end of another busy day. Hours later, in the cover of darkness, a group of masked figures emerged from the shadows. They moved swiftly through the narrow alleyways, their footsteps echoing against the cold, stone walls.

One sunny afternoon, as Jenny and her dog Max strolled through the park, they spotted a colorful kite soaring high in the sky. Intrigued by the sight, Jenny and Max decided to investigate further. They followed the kite's trajectory across the rolling hills, marveling at its graceful movements, until they reached a bustling beach, where families were picnicking and children splashed in the waves.