Which description best summarizes the steps that take place during black hole formation, in the correct order?(1 point)


A massive star depletes its nuclear fuel; gravity overpowers the star; supernova occurs; core of star collapses.

Supernova explodes a massive star; remaining core expands; nuclear reactions diminish the effects of gravity.

A small star gains mass through fusion reactions; core of star collapses; increased radiation triggers a supernova.

Supernova triggers fusion reactions; massive star implodes due to extreme radiation; volume and mass of star increase rapidly.

A massive star depletes its nuclear fuel; gravity overpowers the star; supernova occurs; core of star collapses.

The correct answer is: A massive star depletes its nuclear fuel; gravity overpowers the star; supernova occurs; core of star collapses.

The correct answer is:

A massive star depletes its nuclear fuel; gravity overpowers the star; supernova occurs; core of star collapses.

To understand why this is the correct order, we need to know how a black hole is formed. Here are the steps:

1. A massive star depletes its nuclear fuel: A massive star typically undergoes fusion reactions in its core, where hydrogen is converted into helium. As the star consumes its nuclear fuel, it starts to run out of the energy needed to counteract its own gravity.

2. Gravity overpowers the star: With the nuclear fusion reaction diminishing, the outward pressure from the core decreases. Gravity, which is always present, starts to dominate and compress the star inward.

3. Supernova occurs: As gravity continues to compress the star, the core reaches a critical point where it collapses very rapidly. This collapse creates a massive explosion known as a supernova. The outer layers of the star are ejected into space, while the core remains.

4. Core of the star collapses: The core that remains after the supernova is extremely dense and has a very high mass. The gravitational force is so strong that the core continues to collapse inward, resulting in a singularity, which is a point of infinite density at the center.

This process leads to the formation of a black hole, where the gravitational pull is so intense that nothing, not even light, can escape its grasp.

Thus, the correct order is: A massive star depletes its nuclear fuel; gravity overpowers the star; supernova occurs; core of star collapses.