Which of these characteristics of a star make it most likely to become a black hole? Select the two correct answers.(1 point)


It is dying.

It has an abundant supply of hydrogen.

Its mass is greater than 20 times the mass of the sun.

Its mass is equal to that of the sun.

The correct answers are:

1. It is dying.
3. Its mass is greater than 20 times the mass of the sun.

The two correct answers are:

1. Its mass is greater than 20 times the mass of the sun.
2. It is dying.

To determine which characteristics of a star make it most likely to become a black hole, let's analyze the options provided:

1. It is dying: This characteristic alone does not determine the likelihood of a star becoming a black hole. Stars can go through different stages of evolution before they die, and not all dying stars become black holes. Some may become white dwarfs or neutron stars instead.

2. It has an abundant supply of hydrogen: The abundance of hydrogen within a star also does not directly affect its likelihood of becoming a black hole. While hydrogen is a crucial element for nuclear fusion in stars, it doesn't influence the formation of a black hole.

3. Its mass is greater than 20 times the mass of the sun: This characteristic is one of the correct answers. The mass of a star plays a significant role in whether it can become a black hole. Typically, stars with masses more than 20 times that of the sun have a higher probability of collapsing into a black hole.

4. Its mass is equal to that of the sun: This characteristic does not make a star more likely to become a black hole. Stars with masses similar to that of the sun typically do not have enough mass to undergo gravitational collapse and become black holes. Instead, they usually end their lives as white dwarfs or neutron stars.

Therefore, the two correct characteristics that make a star most likely to become a black hole are:
- Its mass is greater than 20 times the mass of the sun.

Please note that the evolution of stars and their potential to become black holes can be complex, and there may be other factors involved beyond these two characteristics.