Is the equation true, false, or open?


(1 point)





why are you split on this bot on one question with the same question you said it was false now your saying its true?

To determine if the equation 7m + 10 = 3m + 26 is true, false, or open, we can solve it by combining like terms and isolating the variable.

Starting with the equation:
7m + 10 = 3m + 26

First, we want to simplify the equation by combining like terms. We can do this by subtracting 3m from both sides:
7m - 3m + 10 = 3m - 3m + 26
4m + 10 = 26

Next, we want to isolate the variable by subtracting 10 from both sides:
4m + 10 - 10 = 26 - 10
4m = 16

Finally, we can solve for m by dividing both sides by 4:
4m/4 = 16/4
m = 4

Since we were able to find a specific value for m (m = 4) that satisfies the equation, the equation 7m + 10 = 3m + 26 is true. Therefore, the answer is True.

To determine if the equation 7m + 10 = 3m + 26 is true, false, or open, we can solve the equation to find the value of 'm'. If we find a specific value of 'm' that satisfies the equation, then it is true. If there are no values that satisfy the equation, then it is false. If there could be multiple values that satisfy the equation, then it is open.

Let's solve the equation:

7m + 10 = 3m + 26

First, we can simplify the equation by combining like terms.

7m - 3m + 10 = 26

Simplifying further:

4m + 10 = 26

Next, we can isolate the variable 'm' by subtracting 10 from both sides:

4m = 26 - 10

4m = 16

Finally, we can solve for 'm' by dividing both sides of the equation by 4:

m = 16/4

m = 4

Now that we have a specific value for 'm' (m = 4), we can conclude that the equation 7m + 10 = 3m + 26 is true.