Put in apa format Medical news today, what is the difference between vegetarian and veganism, medically reviewed by Natalie butler rd or, written by Jamie eske, June 15th 2019

Eske, J. (2019, June 15). What is the difference between vegetarianism and veganism? Medical News Today. https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/326642.php


Eske, J. (2019, June 15). What is the difference between vegetarianism and veganism? Medical News Today. Retrieved from https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/326642.php

To cite the Medical News Today article in APA format:

Butler, N. (2019, June 15). What is the difference between vegetarianism and veganism? Medical News Today. Retrieved from [URL]

Please note that you would need to insert the actual URL of the article where it says [URL].

As for the author, since the article is medically reviewed by Natalie Butler, RD, and written by Jamie Eske, you can include both names in the author position:

Butler, N., & Eske, J. (2019, June 15). What is the difference between vegetarianism and veganism? Medical News Today. Retrieved from [URL]

To cite the Medical News Today article "What is the difference between vegetarian and veganism?" in APA format, follow the below template:

Author(s). (Year, Month Day). Title of the article. Site Name. URL

Based on the provided information, we have two potential authors: Natalie Butler RD and Jamie Eske. However, it is not clear who specifically reviewed or wrote the article. To address this ambiguity, let's cite Natalie Butler RD as the reviewer and Jamie Eske as the author:

Eske, J. (2019, June 15). What is the difference between vegetarian and veganism? Medical News Today. Retrieved from [URL]

Replace [URL] with the specific URL of the article you are referring to.