A makeup artist charges $40 to travel to a wedding, plus $20 per hour for the makeup she is doing at the wedding. The bride receives a bill for $100. How many hours did the make up artist work at the wedding? First write an equation that models this situation using function notation, then solve. (1 point)

О 1 hour
O 2 hours
• 3 hours
© 4 hours

Let's assume that the makeup artist worked for "x" number of hours at the wedding.

The equation that models this situation using function notation would be:
f(x) = $40 (travel cost) + $20 (hourly rate) * x (number of hours worked)

Given that the bride received a bill for $100, we can now write the equation as:
100 = 40 + 20x

Subtracting 40 from both sides of the equation, we have:
60 = 20x

Now, divide both sides of the equation by 20:
x = 3

Therefore, the makeup artist worked for 3 hours at the wedding.

Let's denote the number of hours the makeup artist worked at the wedding as "x". We know that the makeup artist charges $20 per hour, so the total makeup cost would be 20x. Additionally, there is a $40 charge for travel. Therefore, the total bill would be 20x + 40.

Given that the bride received a bill for $100, we can write the equation:

20x + 40 = 100

To find the number of hours the makeup artist worked, we solve for x:

20x = 100 - 40
20x = 60
x = 60 / 20
x = 3

Therefore, the makeup artist worked for 3 hours at the wedding.

To solve this problem, we can first write an equation that represents the situation using function notation.

Let's define the number of hours the makeup artist worked at the wedding as "x".

The cost of travel is a fixed amount of $40, and the cost per hour for makeup is $20. Therefore, the equation can be written as:
C(x) = 40 + 20x

Where C(x) represents the total cost for "x" hours of work.

The problem tells us that the bride received a bill for $100. We can set up the equation to represent this:
C(x) = 100

Now we can substitute the function for C(x) and solve for "x".

40 + 20x = 100

Subtracting 40 from both sides:
20x = 60

Dividing both sides by 20:
x = 3

Therefore, the makeup artist worked for 3 hours at the wedding.

So the answer is: • 3 hours