o be a great asset to your company, which of the following should you do? (1 point) Responses always look like you're working hard always look like you're working hard be a problem-solver be a problem-solver be quiet and keep your eyes open be quiet and keep your eyes open be friendly with your boss

be friendly with your boss

To be a great asset to your company, you should:

1. Always look like you're working hard: Demonstrating a strong work ethic and consistently putting in your best effort will show your dedication and commitment to your role.

2. Be a problem-solver: Instead of simply identifying problems or challenges, take initiative to find solutions. This proactive approach will demonstrate your critical thinking abilities and contribute to the overall success of the company.

3. Be quiet and keep your eyes open: Pay attention to your surroundings and be observant. By staying informed and aware of what is happening in your workplace, you can potentially identify opportunities for improvement or stay updated on important developments.

4. Be friendly with your boss: Building a positive relationship with your boss can have various benefits. It can create a supportive work environment, enhance communication, and potentially open doors for growth and advancement within the company.

These practices can help you establish yourself as a valuable asset to your company.

To determine which option would make you a great asset to your company, we can evaluate each choice individually:

1. Always look like you're working hard: Demonstrating a strong work ethic is typically appreciated in the workplace. This involves being focused, productive, and committed to completing tasks efficiently and effectively.

2. Be a problem-solver: Companies value individuals who can identify and resolve issues. Being proactive, resourceful, and able to think critically to find solutions can greatly contribute to the success of a team or organization.

3. Be quiet and keep your eyes open: Being observant and attentive can help you stay informed about what's happening within the company. This can be particularly useful for understanding the organizational culture, gaining insights, and identifying opportunities for improvement.

4. Be friendly with your boss: Building a positive relationship with your boss can create a supportive work environment. Communicating openly, respectfully, and establishing mutual trust can facilitate collaboration, provide guidance, and create opportunities for growth.

Ultimately, all of these options can contribute to your success in different ways. It is important to consider the specific dynamics of your company and the expectations of your team. Therefore, a combination of these factors may be the most effective approach.