Match each equation to the property it represents.

9 x 2 = 2 x 9
6 (9 - 2) = 6 (9) - 6 (2)
3 + (5 + 8) = (3 + 5) + 8
2+ 0 = 2

A. Identify property
B. Commutative property
C. Distributive property
D. Associate property

9 x 2 = 2 x 9 - B. Commutative property

6 (9 - 2) = 6 (9) - 6 (2) - C. Distributive property
3 + (5 + 8) = (3 + 5) + 8 - D. Associate property
2+ 0 = 2 - A. Identify property

9 x 2 = 2 x 9 - B. Commutative property

6 (9 - 2) = 6 (9) - 6 (2) - C. Distributive property

3 + (5 + 8) = (3 + 5) + 8 - D. Associative property

2 + 0 = 2 - B. Commutative property

To match each equation to the property it represents, let's go through each equation and identify the property being demonstrated.

1. 9 x 2 = 2 x 9 - This equation is demonstrating the Commutative Property. The Commutative Property states that the order of the numbers in a multiplication equation can be switched without changing the result.

2. 6 (9 - 2) = 6 (9) - 6 (2) - This equation is demonstrating the Distributive Property. The Distributive Property states that when you multiply a number by the sum or difference of two other numbers, you can multiply each of those numbers separately and then combine the results.

3. 3 + (5 + 8) = (3 + 5) + 8 - This equation is demonstrating the Associative Property. The Associative Property states that when you are adding three or more numbers, it doesn't matter how you group them. The sum will be the same regardless of how you group them.

4. 2 + 0 = 2 - This equation is demonstrating the Identity Property. The Identity Property states that any number added to zero or multiplied by one will remain the same.

So, matching each equation to the property it represents:

1. 9 x 2 = 2 x 9 - B. Commutative property
2. 6 (9 - 2) = 6 (9) - 6 (2) - C. Distributive property
3. 3 + (5 + 8) = (3 + 5) + 8 - D. Associative property
4. 2 + 0 = 2 - A. Identify property